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Dawson James Securities’ Former Broker, Kennister Daley, Allegedly Engaged in Broker Violations related to non-traded REITs

May 24, 2022

Dawson James Securities’ Former Broker, Kennister Daley, Allegedly Engaged in Broker Violations related to non-traded REITs

Kennister Ulesley Daley (Kennister Daley) is a Florida broker. Kennister Daley is currently registered with Allstate Financial Services, LLC. in Boynton Beach, Florida since March 2016. Mr. Daley was previously registered as a broker with Dawson James Securities, Inc. from 2014 to 2016.


According to FINRA’s BrokerCheck Report, Kennister Daley has at least two customer disputes. The most recent event includes an investment-related complaint containing allegations that Kennister Daley sold illiquid, non-traded Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), ignoring guidelines regarding such alternative investments.


According Mr. Daley’s record, one of his customers asserted damages of $100,000. The complaint alleged various claimsrelated to the sale of a non-traded REIT such as unsuitability, violation of fiduciary duty owed to customer, breach of contract, violations of securities law, and misrepresentations.

Florida-based law firm Riera Law specializes in handling investment fraud and securities fraud cases on a contingency basis, meaning our firm iscommitted to fight tirelessly on your behalf and receives a fee when we make a recovery of your investment losses for you. 

If you suffered investment losses as a result of getting bad advice from Kennister Daley, you may have a legal claim and be entitled to recover your investment losses. In particular, if you were recommended to invest in a non-traded REIT and have suffered investment losses, you may be eligible for monetary recovery.The SEC and FINRA have both warned investors about the dangers of non-traded REITs investments. Non-traded REITs are complex products that involve certain risks and potential disadvantages that may not be apparent, or easy to understand. Non-traded REITs are illiquid and involve a high degree of risks. Non-traded REITs shares are not listed on a national exchange and are difficult to value because there is no market price readily available.

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Riera Law is committed to fighting on your behalf. It’s imperative that you take immediate action if you or your loved ones are concerned about possible broker misconduct and investment fraud, it could be serious. Learn more about how Riera Law can help you during a no-cost, no-obligation case review.

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We are committed to providing you a unique approach with the aim to meet your specific needs from the first meeting to the closing of the case. Our aggressive approach for preparation will put you in a better position to reach the best possible outcome.

Securities Experience – Our deep expertise and knowledge in securities law are unparalleled, and set us apart from other firms. We specialize in representing individuals and institutions confronting the most powerful interests.

Investor Focused – We’re laser focused on investor claims involving investment fraud, securities fraud and stockbroker misconduct. We strive to reach the best possible outcome for our clients in every case.

Client-Centered – We are fully committed to keeping our clients informed from start to finish. We are dedicated to providing each client the individual attention, respect and dignity they deserve.

Ready to Fight for You – We’re dedicated to vigorously advocating on behalf of our clients against the most powerful interests in the country to seek justice, no matter the challenge we will not back down. We stand ready to fight for you!

No Recovery, No Fees* – We primarily work on a contingency fee agreement. We believe our clients’ interest should be aligned with our interest, meaning if we are successful with your claim, we will be paid an agreed-upon percentage of the money recovered for you.

Free Case Evaluation – After you reach out to us, we will schedule a free one-on-one case evaluation. If Riera Law agrees to represent you, you will gain a true investor advocate and ally.

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305-204-9779  Se Habla Español.

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